Thursday 14 August 2014

Trek day 2

The day started at 7 when leader Kieran woke the group up. After our breakfast of granola and hot chocolate, we started the trek back. The group was in much higher spirits this morning now that the trek has been amended and seemed to find a reserve of energy as they sped back the way they came. We had many fewer breaks, despite the many leech bites. Poor Kieran had 3 all in the same spot of his ankle that seemed not to mind his socks in the way. We reached out campsite by 1:30, which was a lovely sandy area right between a river and a village. As it was too hot to set up tents, the boys frolicked and washed in the river and waited for it to cool down. After about an hour, the boys got out and made a lite lunch before setting up their tents. They got them up just in time before another shower of rain hit us. As the rain didn't last very long, they cracked on collecting wood and water for dinner. The guides quickly started a fire with the collected wood and showed the boys how to cook rice in banana leaves and giant bamboo shoots. Kieran seemed to take particular attention to this new cooking method. The rest of the cooks prepared the sweet and sour sauce with lots of veg. All the boys were getting hungry and started to crowd around with their bowls and cutlery. When dinner was dished up all but Felix couldn't wait to dig in for seconds, not a single grain of rice was left. Everyone helped out with the washing up as the rain was rolling in and thunder and lightening was on the horizon. After dinner we all gathered around the fire for hot chocolate and marshmallows, what a treat after the past two days we have had. After the fire had started to die he leaders headed to bed while the happy campers sat around the embers and talked amongst themselves.

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