Tuesday 29 July 2014

Day 2 of Bubbles Dive

The rain had stopped by the morning but the ground and the washing was still water logged. The boys are really enjoying the Thirsty Turtle bar here and all the milkshakes and fresh juices that they can buy. After breakfast the majority of the group carried on with their theory lessons while Joe Wilmot and Steve continued their advanced diving. We stopped just before lunch so the boys could relax on the beach and lounge in the hammocks. After lunch most of the boys took to the sea with snorkels while some studied for their PADI course. At 2pm the boys where fitted for their equipment and showed how to assemble their breathing and buoyancy gear. When our gear was assembled, we were briefed on our first dive and headed to the water. At this point, Aaron, Nishil and Will were escorted to the turtle conservation project where they helped out for the afternoon. We should hear by the morning if they are signed off by their UK doctors and will be able to continue diving with the rest of the group. The remaining divers took to the water to put in practise what they had learned in the classroom. Some of the skills that they mastered included equalising under water, dealing with possible hazardous situations and learning to control their breathing under water. After the dive we were shown how to disassemble and clean the equipment. The boys have seen a number of different wildlife today including giant spiders, three foot long lizards, colourful snakes and baby turtles. Dinner is done and the boys have already taken to the Thirsty Turtle for ice creams and shakes. It looks like the weather is holding out and the boys will have to return to their waiting tents for the first night of camping. 


  1. Big spiders in the wild - you guys are just too lucky! Any identification or pictures?
    Mr Pitchford - HBS Library

  2. We found a pretty big black and yellow spider which you can see on the bubbles day 4 pictures. It was on the floor when one of the boys stepped on it with bare feet by accident. He said it hurt quite a bit but it didn't leave any damage.
